Meaning of FLATTER in English

[flat.ter] vb [ME flateren, fr. OF flater to lick, flatter, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG flaz flat] vt (13c) 1: to praise excessively esp. from motives of self-interest

2. a archaic: beguile

4. b: to encourage or gratify esp. with the assurance that something is right "I ~ myself that my interpretation is correct" 3 a: to portray too favorably "the portrait ~s him" b: to display to advantage "candlelight often ~s the face" ~ vi: to use flattery -- flat.ter.er n -- flat.ter.ing.ly adv

[2]flatter n (1714): one that flattens; esp: a flat-faced swage used in smithing

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