Meaning of GANG in English

[gang] vi [ME, fr. OE gangan; akin to Lith zengti to stride] (bef. 12c) Scot: go

[2]gang n [ME, walking, journey, fr. OE; akin to OE gangan] (15c) 1 a (1): a set of articles: outfit "a ~ of oars" (2): a combination of similar implements or devices arranged for convenience to act together "a ~ of saws" b: group: as (1): a group of persons working together (2): a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; esp: a band of antisocial adolescents

2: a group of persons having informal and usu. close social relations [3]gang vt (1856) 1 a: to assemble or operate simultaneously as a group b: to arrange in or produce as a gang

2: to attack in a gang ~ vi: to move or act as a gang

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