Meaning of GARDEN in English

[gar.den] n [ME gardin, fr. ONF, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG gart enclosure--more at yard] (13c) 1 a: a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated b: a rich well-cultivated region c: a container (as a window box) planted with usu. a variety of small plants

2. a: a public recreation area or park usu. ornamented with plants and trees "a botanical ~" b: an open-air eating or drinking place c: a large hall for public entertainment -- gar.den.ful n

[2]garden vb gar.dened ; vi (1577): to lay out or work in a garden ~ vt 1: to make into a garden

2: to ornament with gardens -- n [3]garden adj (1622) 1: of, relating to, used in, or frequenting a garden

2. a: of a kind grown in the open as distinguished from one more delicate "~ plant" b: commonly found: garden-variety

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