Meaning of HIDE in English

[hide] n [ME, fr. OE higid, hid] (bef. 12c): any of various old English units of land area; esp: a unit of 120 acres

[2]hide vb hid ; hid.den or hid ; hid.ing [ME hiden, fr. OE hydan; akin to Gk keuthein to conceal] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to put out of sight: secrete b: to conceal for shelter or protection: shield

2: to keep secret

3: to screen from or as if from view: obscure

4: to turn (the eyes or face) away in shame or anger ~ vi 1: to remain out of sight--often used with out

2: to seek protection or evade responsibility -- hid.er n syn hide, conceal, screen, secrete, bury mean to withhold or withdraw from sight. hide may or may not suggest intent "hide in the closet" "a house hidden in the woods". conceal usu. does imply intent and often specif. implies a refusal to divulge "concealed the weapon". screen implies an interposing of something that prevents discovery "a house screened by trees". secrete suggests a depositing in a place unknown to others "secreted the amulet inside his shirt". bury implies covering up so as to hide completely "buried the treasure". [3]hide n (14c) chiefly Brit: blind

2. [4]hide n [ME, fr. OE hyd; akin to OHG hut hide, L cutis skin, Gk kytos hollow vessel] (bef. 12c) 1: the skin of an animal whether raw or dressed--used esp. of large heavy skins

2: the life or physical well-being of a person "betrayed his friend to save his own ~" -- hide or hair or hide nor hair : a vestige or trace of someone or something "a wife he hadn't seen hide or hair of in over 20 years --H. L. Davis" [5]hide vt hid.ed ; hid.ing (ca. 1825): to give a beating to: flog

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