Meaning of INFORM in English

[in.form] vb [ME, fr. MF enformer, fr. L informare, fr. in- + forma form] vt (14c) 1 obs: to give material form to

2. a: to give character or essence to "the principles which ~ modern teaching" b: to be the characteristic quality of: animate "the compassion that ~s her work" 3 obs: guide, direct

4. obs: to make known

5: to communicate knowledge to "~ a prisoner of his rights" ~ vi 1: to impart information or knowledge

2: to give information (as of another's wrongdoing) to an authority syn inform, acquaint, apprise, notify mean to make one aware of something. inform implies the imparting of knowledge esp. of facts or occurrences "informed us of the crisis". acquaint lays stress on introducing to or familiarizing with "acquaint yourself with the keyboard". apprise implies communicating something of special interest or importance "keep us apprised of the situation". notify implies sending notice of something requiring attention or demanding action "notified the witness when to appear".

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