Meaning of LIGHTEN in English

[light.en] vb light.ened ; [ME lightenen, fr. light] vt (14c) 1: to make light or clear: illuminate

2. archaic: enlighten

3: to make (as a color) lighter ~ vi 1 a archaic: to shine brightly b: to grow lighter: brighten

2: to give out flashes of lightning -- n

[2]lighten vb light.ened ; vt (14c) 1 a: to relieve of a burden in whole or in part "the news ~ed his mind" b: to reduce in weight or quantity: lessen "~ her duties" c: to make less wearisome: alleviate "~ our sorrow"

2: cheer, gladden ~ vi 1: to become lighter or less burdensome

2: to become more cheerful syn see relieve -- n

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