Meaning of PARADE in English

[pa.rade] n [F, fr. MF, fr. parer to prepare--more at pare] (ca. 1656) 1: a pompous show: exhibition

2. a: the ceremonial formation of a body of troops before a superior officer b: a place where troops assemble regularly for parade 3 a: an informal procession b: a public procession c: a showy array or succession "a ~ of tycoons' castles --Gail Sheehy"

4. a: a place for strolling b: those who promenade

[2]parade vb pa.rad.ed ; vt (1686) 1: to cause to maneuver or march: marshal

2: promenade

3: to exhibit ostentatiously ~ vi 1: to march in or as if in a procession

2: promenade 3 a: show off b: masquerade "myths which ~ as modern science --M. R. Cohen" syn see show -- n

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