Meaning of PAW in English

[paw] n [ME, fr. MF poue] (14c) 1: the foot of a quadruped (as a lion or dog) that has claws; broadly: the foot of an animal

2: a human hand esp. when large or clumsy

[2]paw vt (15c) 1: to touch or strike at with a paw

2: to feel or touch clumsily, rudely, or sexually

3: to scrape or beat with or as if with a hoof

4: to flail at or grab for wildly ~ vi 1: to beat or scrape something with or as if with a hoof

2: to touch or strike with a paw

3: to feel or touch someone or something clumsily, rudely, or sexually

4: to flail or grab wildly

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