Meaning of PIECE in English

[piece] n [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL pettia, of Gaulish origin; akin to W peth thing] (13c) 1: a part of a whole: as a: fragment "~s of broken glass" b: any of the individual members comprising a unit--often used in combination "a five-piece band" "a three-piece suit"

2: an object or individual regarded as a unit of a kind or class "a ~ of fruit"

3: a short distance "down the road a ~"

4: a standard quantity (as of length, weight, or size) in which something is made or sold

5: a literary, journalistic, artistic, dramatic, or musical composition

6: firearm 7: coin; also: token 8: a man used in playing a board game; specif: a chessman of superior rank 9: opinion, view "spoke his ~"

10. a: an act of copulation--usu. considered vulgar b: the female partner in sexual intercourse--usu. considered vulgar syn see part -- of a piece : alike, consistent -- piece of one's mind : a severe scolding: tongue-lashing -- piece of the action : a share in activity or profit -- to pieces 1: without reserve or restraint: completely

2: into fragments; also: into component parts

3: out of control "went to pieces from shock"

[2]piece vt pieced ; piec.ing (15c) 1: to repair, renew, or complete by adding pieces: patch

2: to join into a whole--often used with together "his new book ... has been pieced together from talks --Merle Miller" -- piec.er n

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