Meaning of PLEASE in English

[please] vb pleased ; [ME plesen, fr. MF plaisir, fr. L placere; akin to L placare to placate and perh. to Gk plak-, plax flat surface--more at fluke] vi (14c) 1: to afford or give pleasure or satisfaction

2: like, wish "do as you ~" 3 archaic: to have the kindness "will you ~ to enter the carriage --Charles Dickens" ~ vt 1: to give pleasure to: gratify

2: to be the will or pleasure of "may it ~ your Majesty" -- n

[2]please adv (1667) 1--used as a function word to express politeness or emphasis in a request "~ come in" 2--used as a function word to express polite affirmation "have some tea? Please"

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