Meaning of PREFIX in English

[pre.fix] vt [ME, fr. MF prefixer, fr. pre- + fixer to fix, fr. fix fixed, fr. L fixus--more at fix] (15c) 1: to fix or appoint beforehand

2. [partly fr.

[2]prefix]: to place in front; esp: to add as a prefix "~ a syllable to a word"

[2]pre.fix n [NL praefixum, fr. L, neut. of praefixus, pp. of praefigere to fasten before, fr. prae- + figere to fasten--more at fix] (1646) 1: an affix attached to the beginning of a word, base, or phrase and serving to produce a derivative word or an inflectional form--compare suffix

2: a title used before a person's name -- adj [3]pre.fix adj (1971): characterized by placement of an operator before its operand or before its two operands if it is a binary operator--compare infix, postfix

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