Meaning of PROPAGATE in English

[prop.a.gate] vb -gat.ed ; [L propagatus, pp. of propagare to set slips, propagate, fr. propages slip, offspring, fr. pro- before + pangere to fasten--more at pro-, pact] vt (ca. 1570) 1: to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction

2: to pass along to offspring 3 a: to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater area: extend b: to foster growing knowledge of, familiarity with, or acceptance of (as an idea or belief): publicize c: to transmit (as sound or light) through a medium ~ vi 1: to multiply sexually or asexually

2: increase, extend

3: to travel through space or a material--used of wave energy (as light, sound, or radio waves) -- adj -- adj -- n

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