Meaning of REBOUND in English

[re.bound] vb [ME, fr. MF rebondir, fr. OF, fr. re- + bondir to bound--more at bound] vi (14c) 1 a: to spring back on or as if on collision or impact with another body b: to recover from setback or frustration

2: reecho

3: to gain possession of a rebound in basketball ~ vt: to cause to rebound -- n

[2]re.bound n (1530) 1 a: the action of rebounding: recoil b: an upward leap or movement: recovery "a sharp ~ in prices"

2. a: a basketball or hockey puck that rebounds b: the act or an instance of gaining possession of a basketball rebound "leads the league in ~s"

3: a reaction to setback, frustration, or crisis "on the ~ from an unhappy love affair"

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