Meaning of SCOTCH in English

[scotch] vt [ME scocchen to gash] (15c) 1 archaic: cut, gash, score; also: wound "we have ~ed the snake, not killed it --Shak."

2: to put an end to "~ed rumors of a military takeover"

[2]scotch n (15c): a superficial cut: score [3]scotch n [origin unknown] (1639): a chock to prevent rolling or slipping [4]scotch vt (1642) 1: to block with a chock

2: hinder, thwart [1]Scotch adj [contr. of Scottish] (1591) 1: scottish

2: inclined to frugality

[2]Scotch n (ca. 1700) 1: scots

2. pl in constr: the people of Scotland 3 often not cap: whiskey distilled in Scotland esp. from malted barley--called also Scotch whisky [3]Scotch trademark--used for any of numerous adhesive tapes

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