Meaning of SEAM in English

[seam] n [ME seem, fr. OE seam; akin to OE siwian to sew--more at sew] (bef. 12c) 1 a: the joining of two pieces (as of cloth or leather) by sewing usu. near the edge b: the stitching used in such a joining

2: the space between adjacent planks or strakes of a ship 3 a: a line, groove, or ridge formed by the abutment of edges b: a thin layer or stratum (as of rock) between distinctive layers; also: a bed of valuable mineral and esp. coal irrespective of thickness c: a line left by a cut or wound; also: wrinkle

3: a weak or vulnerable area or gap "found a ~ in the zone defense" -- adj -- at the seams : entirely, completely "falling apart at the seams"

[2]seam vt (1582) 1 a: to join by sewing b: to join as if by sewing (as by welding, riveting, or heat-sealing)

2: to mark with lines suggesting seams ~ vi: to become fissured or ridgy -- n

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