Meaning of SEEK in English

[seek] vb sought ; [ME seken, fr. OE secan; akin to OHG suohhen to seek, L sagus prophetic, Gk hegeisthai to lead] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to resort to: go to

2. a: to go in search of: look for b: to try to discover

3: to ask for: request "~s advice"

4: to try to acquire or gain: aim at "~ fame"

5: to make an attempt: try--used with to and an infinitive "governments ... ~ to keep the bulk of their people contented --D. M. Potter" ~ vi 1: to make a search or inquiry

2. a: to be sought b: to be lacking "in critical judgment ... they were sadly to ~ --Times Lit. Supp." -- n

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