Meaning of SMUDGE in English

[smudge] vb smudged ; [ME smogen] vt (15c) 1 a: to make a smudge on b: to soil as if by smudging

2. a: to rub, daub, or wipe in a smeary manner b: to make indistinct: blur

3: to smoke or protect by means of a smudge ~ vi 1: to make a smudge

2: to become smudged

[2]smudge n (ca. 1774) 1 a: a blurry spot or streak b: an immaterial stain "cleanse him of every last ~ of impropriety --Richard Hanser" c: an indistinct mass: blur

2: a smoldering mass placed on the windward side (as to protect from frost)

3: a bid of

4. in pitch that if made wins the game -- adv -- smudg.i.ness n -- smudgy adj

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