Meaning of SPADE in English

[spade] n [ME, fr. OE spadu; akin to Gk spathe blade of a sword or oar] (bef. 12c) 1: a digging implement adapted for being pushed into the ground with the foot

2: a spade-shaped instrument -- spade.ful n -- call a spade a spade 1: to call a thing by its right name however coarse

2: to speak frankly

[2]spade vb spad.ed ; vt (1647): to dig up or out or shape with or as if with a spade ~ vi: to use a spade -- n [3]spade n [It spada or Sp espada broadsword; both fr. L spatha, fr. Gk spathe blade] (1598) 1 a: a black figure that resembles a stylized spearhead on each playing card of one of the four suits; also: a card marked with this figure b pl but sing or pl in constr: the suit comprising cards marked spades

2: black 4--usu. taken to be offensive -- in spades : to an unusually great degree: in the extreme

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