Meaning of SPATTER in English

[spat.ter] vb [akin to Flem spetteren to spatter] vi (1600): to spurt forth in scattered drops "blood ~ing everywhere" ~ vt 1: to splash with or as if with a liquid; also: to soil in this way "his coat was ~ed with mud"

2: to scatter by or as if by splashing "~ water"

3: to cover with or as if with splashes or spots

4: to injure by aspersion: defame "~ed my reputation"

[2]spatter n (1797) 1 a: the act or process of spattering: the state of being spattered b: the noise of spattering

2. a: a drop or splash spattered on something or a spot or stain due to spattering b: a small amount or number: sprinkle "a ~ of applause"

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