Meaning of STATIC in English

[stat.ic] adj [NL staticus, fr. Gk statikos causing to stand, skilled in weighing, fr. histanai to cause to stand, weigh--more at stand] (1638) 1: exerting force by reason of weight alone without motion

2: of or relating to bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium

3: showing little change "a ~ population"

4. a: characterized by a lack of movement, animation, or progression b: producing an effect of repose or quiescence "a ~ design"

5. a: standing or fixed in one place: stationary b of water: stored in a tank but not under pressure

6: of, relating to, or producing stationary charges of electricity: electrostatic 7: of, relating to, or caused by radio static -- adj -- adv

[2]static n [static electricity] (1913) 1: noise produced in a radio or television receiver by atmospheric or various natural or man-made electrical disturbances; also: the electrical disturbances producing this noise

2: heated opposition or criticism -- stat.icky adj

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