Meaning of STAVE in English

[stave] n [ME, back-formation fr. staves, pl. of staf staff] (13c) 1: [1]staff 1, 2

2: any of the narrow strips of wood or narrow iron plates placed edge to edge to form the sides, covering, or lining of a vessel (as a barrel) or structure

3: stanza

4: [1]staff 3

[2]stave vb staved or stove ; vt (ca. 1595) 1: to break in the staves of (a cask)

2: to smash a hole in "stove in the boat"; also: to crush or break inward "staved in several ribs"

3: to drive or thrust away ~ vi 1 archaic: to become stove in--used of a boat or ship

2: to walk or move rapidly

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