Meaning of STRANGE in English

[strange] adj ; strang.est [ME, fr. OF estrange, fr. L extraneus, lit., external, fr. extra outside--more at extra-] (13c) 1 a archaic: of, relating to, or characteristic of another country: foreign b: not native to or naturally belonging in a place: of external origin, kind, or character

2. a: not before known, heard, or seen: unfamiliar b: exciting wonder or awe: extraordinary 3 a: discouraging familiarities: reserved, distant b: ill at ease

4: unaccustomed

2. "she was ~ to his ways"

5: having the quantum characteristic of strangeness "~ quark" "~ particle" -- adv syn strange, singular, unique, peculiar, eccentric, erratic, odd, queer, quaint, outlandish mean departing from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected. strange stresses unfamiliarity and may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unaccountable "a journey filled with strange sights". singular suggests individuality or puzzling strangeness "a singular feeling of impending disaster". unique implies singularity and the fact of being without a known parallel "a career unique in the annals of science". peculiar implies a marked distinctiveness "the peculiar status of America's first lady". eccentric suggests a wide divergence from the usual or normal esp. in behavior "the eccentric eating habits of preschoolers". erratic stresses a capricious and unpredictable wandering or deviating "a friend's suddenly erratic behavior". odd applies to a departure from the regular or expected "an odd sense of humor". queer suggests a dubious sometimes sinister oddness "queer happenings offering no ready explanation". quaint suggests an old-fashioned but pleasant oddness "a quaint fishing village". outlandish applies to what is uncouth, bizarre, or barbaric "the outlandish getups of heavy metal bands".

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