Meaning of SUPPLE in English

[sup.ple] adj sup.pler ; sup.plest [ME souple, fr. MF, fr. L supplic-, supplex entreating for mercy, suppliant, perh. fr. sub- + -plic- (akin to plicare to fold)--more at ply] (14c) 1 a: compliant often to the point of obsequiousness b: readily adaptable or responsive to new situations

2. a: capable of being bent or folded without creases, cracks, or breaks: pliant "~ leather" b: able to perform bending or twisting movements with ease and grace: limber "~ legs of a dancer" c: easy and fluent without stiffness or awkwardness "sang with a lively, ~ voice --Douglas Watt" syn see elastic -- or sup.ply adv -- sup.ple.ness n

[2]supple vb sup.pled ; sup.pling vt (14c) 1: to make pacific or complaisant "~ the tempers of your race --Laurence Sterne"

2: to alleviate with a salve

3: to make flexible or pliant ~ vi: to become soft and pliant

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