Meaning of SURGE in English

[surge] vb surged ; [MF sourge-, stem of sourdre to rise, surge, fr. L surgere to go straight up, rise, fr. sub- up + regere to lead straight--more at sub-, right] vi (1511) 1: to rise and fall actively: toss "a ship surging in heavy seas"

2: to rise and move in waves or billows: swell

3: to slip around a windlass, capstan, or bitts--used esp. of a rope

4: to rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value "the stock market ~ed to a record high"

5: to move with a surge or in surges "felt the blood surging into his face --Harry Hervey" ~ vt: to let go or slacken gradually (as a rope) "~ a hawser to prevent its parting"

[2]surge n (1520) 1: a swelling, rolling, or sweeping forward like that of a wave or series of waves "a ~ of interest"

2. a: a large wave or billow: swell b (1): a series of such swells or billows (2): the resulting elevation of water level

3: the tapered part of a windlass barrel or a capstan

4. a: a movement (as a slipping or slackening) of a rope or cable b: a sudden jerk or strain caused by such a movement

5: a transient sudden rise of current or voltage in an electrical circuit

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