Meaning of TANDEM in English

[tan.dem] n [L, at last, at length (taken to mean "lengthwise"), fr. tam so; akin to OE thaet that] (ca. 1785) 1 a (1): a 2-seated carriage drawn by horses harnessed one before the other (2): a team so harnessed b: tandem bicycle c: a vehicle (as a motortruck) having close-coupled pairs of axles

2: a group of two or more arranged one behind the other or used or acting in conjunction -- in tandem 1: in a tandem arrangement

2: in partnership or conjunction

[2]tandem adv (ca. 1795): one after or behind another "ride ~" [3]tandem adj (1801) 1: consisting of things or having parts arranged one behind the other

2: working or occurring in conjunction with each other

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