Meaning of TENSE in English

[tense] n [ME tens time, tense, fr. MF, fr. L tempus] (14c) 1: a distinction of form in a verb to express distinctions of time or duration of the action or state it denotes

2. a: a set of inflectional forms of a verb that express distinctions of time b: an inflectional form of a verb expressing a specific time distinction

[2]tense adj tens.er ; tens.est [L tensus, fr. pp. of tendere to stretch--more at thin] (1670) 1: stretched tight: made taut: rigid

2. a: feeling or showing nervous tension b: marked by strain or suspense

3: produced with the muscles involved in a relatively tense state -- tense.ly adv -- tense.ness n [3]tense vb tensed ; tens.ing vt (1676): to make tense ~ vi: to become tense

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