Meaning of THRUSH in English

[thrush] n [ME thrusche, fr. OE thrysce; akin to OE throstle thrush, OHG droscala, L turdus] (bef. 12c) 1: any of numerous small or medium-sized oscine birds (families Turdidae and Muscicapidae) which are mostly of a plain color often with spotted underparts and many of which are excellent singers

2: a bird held to resemble a thrush

[2]thrush n [prob. of Scand origin; akin to Dan & Norw troske thrush] (1665) 1: a disease that is caused by a fungus (Candida albicans), occurs esp. in infants and children, and is marked by white patches in the oral cavity; broadly: candidiasis "vaginal ~"

2: a suppurative disorder of the feet in various animals (as a horse)

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