Meaning of THWART in English

[thwart] vt [ME thwerten, fr. thwert, adv.] (13c) 1 a: to run counter to so as to effectively oppose or baffle: contravene b: to oppose successfully: defeat the hopes or aspirations of

2: to pass through or across syn see frustrate -- n

[2]thwart adv [ME thwert, fr. ON thvert, fr. neut. of thverr transverse, oblique; akin to OHG dwerah transverse, oblique] (14c): athwart [3]thwart adj (15c): situated or placed across something else: transverse -- adv [4]thwart n [alter. of obs. thought, thoft, fr. ME thoft, fr. OE thofte; akin to OHG dofta rower's seat] (ca. 1736): a rower's seat extending athwart a boat

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