Meaning of TILL in English

[till] prep [ME, fr. OE til; akin to ON til to, till, OE til good] (bef. 12c) 1 chiefly Scot: to

2: until

[2]till conj (12c): until [3]till vt [ME tilien, tillen, fr. OE tilian; akin to OE til good, suitable, OHG zil goal] (13c): to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops: cultivate -- till.able adj [4]till n [AF tylle] (15c) 1 a: a box, drawer, or tray in a receptacle (as a cabinet or chest) used esp. for valuables b: a money drawer in a store or bank; also: cash register

2. a: the money contained in a till b: a supply of esp. ready money [5]till n [origin unknown] (1842): unstratified glacial drift consisting of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders intermingled

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