Meaning of VIRGIN in English

[vir.gin] n [ME, fr. OF virgine, fr. L virgin-, virgo young woman, virgin] (13c) 1 a: an unmarried woman devoted to religion b cap: virgo

2. a: an absolutely chaste young woman b: an unmarried girl or woman 3 cap: virgin mary

4. a: a person who has not had sexual intercourse b: a person who is inexperienced in a usu. specified sphere of activity "a ~ in politics"

5: a female animal that has never copulated

[2]virgin adj (14c) 1: free of impurity or stain: unsullied

2: chaste

3: characteristic of or befitting a virgin: modest

4: fresh, unspoiled; specif: not altered by human activity "a ~ forest"

5. a (1): being used or worked for the first time (2) of a metal: produced directly from ore by primary smelting b: initial, first

6. of a vegetable oil: obtained from the first light pressing and without heating

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