Meaning of WAVER in English

[wa.ver] vi wa.vered ; wa.ver.ing [ME; akin to OE waefre restless, wafian to wave with the hands--more at wave] (14c) 1: to vacillate irresolutely between choices: fluctuate in opinion, allegiance, or direction

2. a: to weave or sway unsteadily to and fro: reel, totter b: quiver, flicker "~ing flames" c: to hesitate as if about to give way: falter

3: to give an unsteady sound: quaver syn see swing, hesitate -- wa.ver.er n -- wa.ver.ing.ly adv

[2]waver n (1519): an act of wavering, quivering, or fluttering [3]wav.er n (1835): one that waves

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