Meaning of WHILE in English

[while] n [ME, fr. OE hwil; akin to OHG hwila time, L quies rest, quiet] (bef. 12c) 1: a period of time esp. when short and marked by the occurrence of an action or a condition: time "stay here for a ~"

2: the time and effort used (as in the performance of an action): trouble "worth your ~"

[2]while conj (12c) 1 a: during the time that "take a nap ~ I'm out" b: as long as "~ there's life there's hope"

2. a: when on the other hand: whereas "easy for an expert, ~ it is dangerous for a novice" b: in spite of the fact that: although "~ respected, he is not liked"

3: similarly and at the same time that "~ the book will be welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader --Brit. Book News" [3]while prep (15c) dial Brit: until [4]while vt whiled ; whil.ing (1635): to cause to pass esp. without boredom or in a pleasant manner--usu. used with away "~ away the time"

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