Meaning of WHOOP in English

[whoop] vb [ME whopen, fr. MF houpper, of imit. origin] vi (14c) 1: to utter a whoop in expression of eagerness, enthusiasm, or enjoyment: shout

2: to utter the cry of an owl: hoot

3: to make the characteristic whoop of whooping cough

4. a: to go or pass with a loud noise b: to be rushed through by acclamation or with noisy support "the bill ~ed through both houses" ~ vt 1 a: to utter or express with a whoop b: to urge, drive, or cheer on with a whoop

2: to agitate in behalf of

3: raise, boost "~ up the price" -- whoop it up 1: to celebrate riotously: carouse

2: to stir up enthusiasm

[2]whoop n (1593) 1 a: a loud yell expressive of eagerness, exuberance, or jubilation--often used interjectionally b: a shout of hunters or of men in battle or pursuit

2: the cry of an owl: hoot

3: the crowing intake of breath following a paroxysm in whooping cough

4: a minimum amount or degree: the least bit "not worth a ~"

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