Meaning of EVERLASTING in English

I. ˌe-vər-ˈlas-tiŋ adjective

Date: 13th century

1. : lasting or enduring through all time : eternal



(1) : continuing for a long time or indefinitely

(2) : having or being flowers or foliage that retain form or color for a long time when dried

b. : tediously persistent

the everlasting sympathy-seeker who demands attention — H. A. Overstreet

3. : wearing indefinitely

everlasting twill pants

• ev·er·last·ing·ly -tiŋ-lē adverb

• ev·er·last·ing·ness noun

II. noun

Date: 14th century

1. : eternity

from everlasting

2. capitalized : god 1 — used with the


a. : any of several chiefly composite plants (as cudweed) with flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color — compare pearly everlasting

b. : the flower of an everlasting

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.