Meaning of NOMINATE in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈnä-mə-ˌnāt ]

transitive verb

( -nat·ed ; -nat·ing )

Etymology: Latin nominatus, past participle of nominare, from nomin-, nomen name — more at name

Date: 1545

1. : designate , name


a. : to appoint or propose for appointment to an office or place

b. : to propose as a candidate for election to office

c. : to propose for an honor

nominate her for player of the year

3. : to enter (a horse) in a race

• nom·i·nat·able -ˌnā-tə-bəl adjective

• nom·i·na·tor -ˌnā-tər noun

• nom·i·nee ˌnä-mə-ˈnē noun

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.