Meaning of POUND in English

I. ˈpau̇nd noun

( plural pounds also pound )

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pund, from Latin pondo pound, from ablative of pondus weight — more at pendant

Date: before 12th century

1. : any of various units of mass and weight ; specifically : a unit now in general use among English-speaking peoples equal to 16 avoirdupois ounces or 7000 grains or 0.4536 kilogram — see weight table


a. : the basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom — called also pound sterling

b. : any of numerous basic monetary units of other countries — see money table

c. : the basic monetary unit of Ireland from 1921 to 2001

d. : lira II

II. noun

Etymology: Middle English, enclosure, from Old English pund-

Date: 14th century


a. : an enclosure for animals ; especially : a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed animals

a dog pound

b. : a depot for holding impounded personal property until redeemed by the owner

a car pound

2. : a place or condition of confinement

3. : an enclosure within which fish are kept or caught ; especially : the inner compartment of a fish trap or pound net

III. verb

Etymology: alteration of Middle English pounen, from Old English pūnian

Date: 1594

transitive verb

1. : to reduce to powder or pulp by beating


a. : to strike heavily or repeatedly

b. : to produce with or as if with repeated vigorous strokes — usually used with out

pound out a story on the typewriter

c. : to inculcate by insistent repetition : drive

day after day the facts were pound ed home to them — Ivy B. Priest

d. : to move, throw, or carry forcefully and aggressively

pound the ball down the field

3. : to move along heavily or persistently

pound ed the pavement looking for work

4. : to drink or consume rapidly : slug

pound down some beers

intransitive verb

1. : to strike heavy repeated blows

2. : pulsate , throb

my heart was pound ing


a. : to move with or make a heavy repetitive sound

b. : to work hard and continuously — usually used with away

IV. noun

Date: 1876

: an act or sound of pounding

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.