Meaning of APPROBATION in English

Synonyms and related words :

John Hancock, OK, acceptance, accord, account, acquiescence, adherence, admiration, adoration, affirmance, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative voice, agreement, apotheosis, appreciation, approval, assent, authentication, authorization, awe, aye, benediction, blessing, breathless adoration, certification, commendation, compliance, confirmation, connivance, consent, consideration, countenance, countersignature, courtesy, credit, deference, deification, duty, eagerness, endorsement, esteem, estimation, exaggerated respect, favor, favorable vote, go-ahead, goodwill, great respect, green light, hero worship, high regard, homage, honor, idolatry, idolization, imprimatur, liking, nod, notarization, okay, permission, pleasure, prestige, promptitude, promptness, ratification, readiness, regard, respect, reverence, reverential regard, rubber stamp, sanction, satisfaction, seal, seal of approval, sigil, signature, signet, stamp, stamp of approval, submission, subscription, the nod, ungrudgingness, unloathness, unreluctance, validation, veneration, visa, vise, voice, vote, warrant, willingness, worship, worth, yea, yea vote,

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