Meaning of BLANKET in English

Synonyms and related words :

across-the-board, afghan, all-comprehensive, all-inclusive, apply to, becloud, bed linen, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedsheet, bedspread, befog, blind, block, buffalo robe, camouflage, canopy, cap, case, casual, cloak, clothe, clothes, cloud, coat, comfort, comforter, compendious, complete, comprehensive, conceal, contour sheet, cope, counterpane, cover, cover up, coverage, covering, coverlet, coverlid, covert, coverture, cowl, cowling, crown, curtain, disguise, dissemble, distract attention from, drape, drapery, eclipse, eiderdown, encyclopedic, ensconce, enshroud, envelop, film, fitted sheet, general, global, gloss over, guise, hanging, hide, hood, housing, imprudent, indiscreet, indiscriminate, indiscriminative, insensitive, keep under cover, lap robe, lay on, lay over, linen, mantle, mask, muffle, nonjudgmental, obduce, obfuscate, obscure, occult, omnibus, over-all, overcast, overlay, overspread, pall, panoramic, patchwork quilt, pillow slip, pillowcase, promiscuous, put on, quilt, robe, rug, screen, scum, shade, sheet, sheeting, shelter, shield, shroud, slip, slur over, spread, spread over, superimpose, superpose, sweeping, synoptic, tactless, total, uncritical, uncriticizing, undemanding, undifferentiating, undiscreet, undiscriminating, undiscriminative, unexacting, unfastidious, universal, unmeticulous, unparticular, unselective, unsubtle, untactful, varnish, veil, vestment, whitewash, whole, wholesale, without exception, without omission,

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