Meaning of COUCH in English

Synonyms and related words :

analysis, bear down, bed, bed down, bedstead, bring low, bunk, burrow, cave, conceive, couch in terms, covert, crawl, creep, crouch, curl up, debase, den, depress, depth interview, depth psychology, detrude, divan, doss, downbear, dream analysis, dream symbolism, earth, embed, embody in words, express, form, formularize, formulate, frame, give expression to, give words to, go to bed, go to rest, group analysis, grovel, gumshoe, gurney, haul down, hole, hug the earth, indent, interpretation of dreams, kip, lair, lay wait, let down, lie down, lie in wait, lie low, lie prone, lie prostrate, lie under, litter, lodge, loll, lounge, lower, lurk, mew, nightwalk, paragraph, phrase, present, press down, prone, prostrate, prowl, psychanalysis, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic method, psychoanalytic therapy, psychognosis, psychognosy, psychology of depths, pull down, push down, pussyfoot, put, put in words, recline, reduce, repose, rest, rhetorize, run, set out, settee, settle, settle to rest, shadow, sink, skulk, slink, sneak, snug down, sofa, sprawl, squat, stalk, state, steal, stretcher, style, supinate, take down, take it easy, take life easy, tete-a-tete, the couch, the hay, the sack, thrust down, tiptoe, tunnel, underlie, vis-a-vis, word

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