Meaning of DATED in English

Synonyms and related words :

ago, ahead of time, anachronistic, annalistic, antedated, antiquated, antique, archaic, back-number, beforehand, behind the times, behind time, behindhand, belated, blown over, by, bygone, bypast, calendarial, calendric, chronogrammatic, chronographic, chronologic, chronoscopic, dead, dead and buried, deceased, defunct, demode, departed, diaristic, disused, early, elapsed, expired, extinct, finished, foredated, forgotten, gone, gone glimmering, gone out, gone-by, has-been, horologic, intercalary, intercalated, irrecoverable, lapsed, late, metachronistic, metronomic, misdated, mistimed, no more, obsolete, old, old hat, old-fashioned, old-timey, oldfangled, out, out of date, out of fashion, out of season, out of style, out of use, out-of-date, outdated, outmoded, outworn, over, overdue, parachronistic, passe, passed, passed away, past, past due, postdated, prochronistic, run out, styleless, tardy, temporal, timekeeping, unfashionable, unpunctual, unseasonable, vanished, wound up

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