Meaning of ETERNITY in English

Synonyms and related words :

Beulah, Beulah Land, Heaven, Land of Beulah, Paradise, a better place, aeon, afterlife, age, ages, all-comprehensiveness, all-inclusiveness, an eternity, better world, blue moon, boundlessness, ceaselessness, century, coeternity, constancy, continualness, continuance, countlessness, datelessness, durability, endless time, endlessness, eternal home, eternalness, ever-duringness, everlasting moment, everlastingness, everness, exhaustlessness, forever, foreverness, glory, happy hunting ground, heaven above, heavenly kingdom, high heaven, holiness, illimitability, immeasurability, immensity, immortality, immutability, incalculability, incessancy, incomprehensibility, indestructibility, inexhaustibility, infinite duration, infinite goodness, infinite justice, infinite love, infinite mercy, infinite power, infinite wisdom, infiniteness, infinitude, infinity, innumerability, interminability, kingdom come, kingdom of God, kingdom of glory, kingdom of heaven, light, limitlessness, long, long time, long while, majesty, measurelessness, month of Sundays, never-endingness, neverness, no time, numberlessness, omnipotence, omnipotency, omnipresence, omniscience, omnisciency, otherworld, perdurability, perenniality, perennialness, permanence, perpetualness, perpetuity, presence of God, realm of light, right smart spell, sempiternity, sovereignty, stability, termlessness, the Promised Land, the happy land, the world above, time without end, timelessness, ubiquity, unceasingness, unity, universality, unmeasurability, world without end, years, years on end

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