Meaning of GOUGE in English

Synonyms and related words :

alveolation, alveolus, auger, avulse, bandage, beat, bedazzle, beguile of, benight, bezel, bilk, bite, blackmail, bleed, bleed white, blind, blind the eyes, blindfold, bore, broach, bunco, burn, burrow, canal, canalize, carve, chamfer, channel, chase, cheat, chink, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, clip, cog, cog the dice, con, corrugate, corrugation, countersink, cozen, crack, cranny, crib, crimp, cut, cut out, cutthroat, dado, darken, daze, dazzle, defraud, delve, dent, deprive of sight, deracinate, diddle, dig, dig out, dig up, dike, dim, dimple, dint, disentangle, ditch, do in, do out of, draw, draw out, dredge, dredge up, drill, drive, eclipse, empierce, engrave, engraving, eradicate, euchre, evolve, evulse, exact, exacting, excavate, excecate, excessive, excise, exorbitant, exploit, exsect, extort, extortionate, extract, extravagant, extricate, fancy, finagle, fix, flam, fleece, flimflam, flute, fluting, fob, fudge, furrow, gash, get out, glare, goffer, gore, gouge out, gouging, groove, grossly overpriced, grub, grub up, gull, gully, gyp, have, hocus, hocus-pocus, hold up, hole, hollow, hollow out, honeycomb, hoodwink, immoderate, impale, impress, impression, imprint, incise, incision, indent, indentation, indention, indenture, inflationary, inordinate, lance, lower, make blind, microgroove, milk, mine, mulct, needle, notch, obscure, out of bounds, out of sight, outrageous, overcharge, overprice, overpriced, overtax, pack the deal, penetrate, perforate, pick out, pierce, pigeon, pinch, pink, pit, pleat, plow, pluck out, pluck up, pock, pockmark, practice fraud upon, preposterous, prick, print, profiteer, prohibitive, pull, pull out, pull up, punch, puncture, quarry, rabbet, rake out, ream, ream out, remove, riddle, rifle, rifling, rip out, rook, root out, root up, ruck, run through, rut, sap, scam, scoop, scoop out, score, scrabble, scrape, scratch, screw, sell gold bricks, shake, shave, shortchange, shovel, sink, skewer, skin, skyrocketing, slit, snow-blind, soak, spade, spear, spike, spiraling, spit, squeeze, stab, stack the cards, stick, sting, streak, stria, striate, striation, strike blind, sulcation, sulcus, sunken part, surcharge, swindle, take a dive, take out, tap, tear out, thimblerig, throw a fight, transfix, transpierce, trench, trepan, trephine, trough, tunnel, unconscionable, undue, unearth, unravel, unreasonable, unwarranted, uproot, usurious, victimize, weed out, well-worn groove, withdraw, wrench, wrest, wrest out, wrinkle

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