Meaning of INITIATE in English

Synonyms and related words :

Greek, abecedarian, accept, accomplished, activate, actuate, admit, affiliate, alphabetarian, apprentice, articled clerk, associate, at concert pitch, begin, beginner, belonger, boot, break ground, break the ice, bring up, broach, brother, card-carrier, card-carrying member, cardholder, career, catechumen, charter member, christen, clubber, clubman, clubwoman, coach, coached, commence, committeeman, comrade, conventioneer, conventioner, conventionist, conversant, create, debutant, drill, dues-paying member, enlist, enlistee, enroll, enrollee, enter, enter on, enter upon, entrant, establish, fellow, finished, fledgling, float, found, fraternity man, freshman, get going, get off, get under way, give rise to, greenhorn, guildsman, head, head up, honorary member, ignoramus, inaugurate, induct, inductee, initiated, insider, install, instate, instigate, institute, instruct, introduce, invent, invest, joiner, kick off, launch, lead, lead off, lead the way, life member, lift up, member, neophyte, new boy, newcomer, novice, novitiate, one of us, open, ordain, originate, pioneer, pledge, postulant, practiced, pre-educate, precede, prepared, primed, probationer, probationist, professional, raise, raw recruit, recruit, ring in, rookie, set agoing, set going, set in motion, set off, set on foot, set up, sign on, sign up, sister, skilled, socius, sorority girl, sorority woman, stand first, start, start going, start up, take in, take the initiative, take the lead, take the plunge, take up, teach, technical, tenderfoot, train, trained, trigger, turn on, tutor, tyro, usher in

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