Meaning of INSINUATION in English

Synonyms and related words :

access, accusal, accusation, accusing, admission, allegation, allegement, animadversion, apple-polishing, arraignment, ascendancy, ascription, aside, aspersion, ass-kissing, authority, backscratching, bill of particulars, blame, bootlicking, bringing of charges, bringing to book, broad hint, brown-nosing, charge, charisma, charm, clout, clue, complaint, consequence, control, count, credit, cringing, cue, delation, denouncement, denunciation, dominance, domination, effect, embedment, eminence, enchantment, encroachment, entrance, entree, entrenchment, entry, episode, esteem, favor, fawnery, fawning, flunkyism, footlicking, force, gentle hint, gesture, glimmer, glimmering, good feeling, graft, grafting, groveling, handshaking, hint, hold, impaction, impactment, impeachment, impingement, implantation, implication, import, importance, importation, importing, imposition, imputation, incidental power, income, incoming, incursion, index, indication, indictment, infiltration, infix, infixion, influence, influentiality, influx, information, infringement, infusion, ingoing, ingratiation, ingress, ingression, injection, inkling, innuendo, inoculation, input, inroad, insert, insertion, intake, intercalation, interference, interjection, interlineation, interlocution, interloping, interpenetration, interpolation, interposition, interposure, interruption, intervention, intimation, introduction, introgression, intromission, intrusion, invasion, irruption, kick, lawsuit, laying of charges, leadership, leakage, leverage, look, magnetism, mastery, mealymouthedness, moment, nod, nudge, obeisance, obiter dictum, obsequiousness, obtrusion, parasitism, parenthesis, penetration, percolation, perfusion, personal remark, personality, persuasion, plaint, potency, power, predominance, preponderance, pressure, prestige, prompt, prosecution, prostration, purchase, reception, reflection, reign, remark, reproach, repute, rule, say, scent, seepage, side remark, sign, signal, slur, sly suggestion, sponging, spoor, suasion, subtle influence, suggestion, suit, supremacy, suspicion, sway, sycophancy, symptom, taxing, telltale, tessellation, timeserving, toadeating, toadying, toadyism, tossing-in, track, transplant, transplantation, trespass, trespassing, truckling, true bill, tufthunting, uncomplimentary remark, unlawful entry, unspoken accusation, upper hand, veiled accusation, weight, whip hand, whisper, whispering campaign, wink

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