Meaning of MISSION in English

Synonyms and related words :

accredit, action, activity, adventure, agency, agentship, aim, air cover, air raid, air support, allegiance, amphibious operations, art, assign, assigned task, assignment, authority, authorization, authorize, basilica, bethel, bombing, bounden duty, brevet, burden, business, busywork, call of duty, calling, care, career, career building, careerism, cathedral, cathedral church, chare, charge, charter, chore, church, church house, combined operations, commission, commissioning, commit, commitment, committee, consign, consignment, conventicle, cover, craft, cure, dedication, deference, delegate, delegated authority, delegation, deputation, depute, deputize, detach, detail, devoir, devolute, devolution, devolve, devolve upon, devolvement, devotion, dry run, duomo, duties and responsibilities, duty, embassy, empower, empowerment, emprise, entrust, entrusting, entrustment, errand, ethics, executorship, exequatur, exercise, expedition, exploration, factorship, fealty, fish to fry, fluid operations, full power, function, game, give in charge, group, handicraft, homage, homework, house of God, house of prayer, house of worship, imperative, job, job of work, jurisdiction, kirk, labor, legation, license, lieutenancy, lifework, line, line of business, line of duty, line of work, logistics, loyalty, make-work, mandate, maneuver, maneuvers, matters in hand, meetinghouse, metier, military operations, milk run, ministry, minor basilica, minor operations, movement, must, mystery, number, objective, obligation, occupation, odd job, office, onus, operation, operations, ought, overseas operations, patriarchal basilica, piece of work, pilgrimage, place, place of worship, plenipotentiary power, post, power of attorney, power to act, practice, procuration, profession, project, proxy, purpose, pursuit, purview, quest, racket, reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission, regency, regentship, respect, responsibility, scramble, self-imposed duty, send out, service, shuttle raid, sortie, specialization, specialty, staff work, stint, strafing, subcommittee, task, things to do, trade, training mission, transfer, trust, trusteeship, umbrella, undertaking, vicarious authority, vocation, walk, walk of life, war game, war plans, warrant, work

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