Meaning of PIECE TOGETHER in English

Synonyms and related words :

accouple, accumulate, agglutinate, amass, articulate, assemble, associate, band, bond, bracket, bridge, bridge over, build, build up, cast, cement, chain, clap together, collect, combine, compose, compound, comprise, concatenate, concoct, conglobulate, conjoin, conjugate, connect, consist of, constitute, construct, copulate, couple, cover, create, devise, elaborate, embody, embrace, encompass, enter into, erect, evolve, extrude, fabricate, fashion, form, formulate, frame, fudge together, gather, get up, glue, go into, include, incorporate, indite, join, knot, lay together, league, link, lump together, make, make up, manufacture, marry, marshal, mass, mature, merge, merge in, mix, mobilize, mold, organize, pair, patch together, prefabricate, prepare, produce, put together, put up, raise, rear, roll into one, run up, set up, shape, solder, span, splice, stick together, structure, synthesize, take in, tape, tie, unify, unite, unite in, weld, whomp up, write, yoke

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