Meaning of QUAKING in English

Synonyms and related words :

agitation, ague, aquiver, aspen, bumpiness, chattering, chills of fear, chorea, cold creeps, cold shivers, cold sweat, creeps, didder, disquiet, disquietude, dithers, fear and trembling, fidgetiness, fidgets, fits and starts, flutter, goose bumps, gooseflesh, heartquake, heaving, horripilation, inquietude, jactation, jactitation, jerkiness, jimjams, joltiness, nervousness, palpitation, palsied, palsy, panting, perturbation, pitapat, pitter-patter, quaver, quavering, quavery, quiver, quiver of terror, quivering, quivery, restlessness, shakes, shaking, shaky, shiver, shivering, shivers, shivery, shudder, shuddering, spasms, succussatory, succussion, succussive, sweat, thrill of fear, throb, throbbing, tremble, trembling, trembly, tremor, tremulant, tremulous, tremulousness, trepidation, trepidity, twitter, uneasiness, unrest, vibrating, vibration, wobbly

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