Meaning of RED TAPE in English

Synonyms and related words :

afterthought, beadledom, beat, beaten path, bind, block, blockage, bumbledom, bureaucracy, bureaucratic delay, bureaucratism, chinoiserie, daily grind, delay, delayage, delayed reaction, detention, double take, dragging, grind, groove, halt, hang-up, hindrance, holdup, interim, jam, jog trot, lag, lagging, logjam, moratorium, obstruction, official jargon, officialism, paperasserie, pause, red-tapeism, red-tapery, reprieve, respite, retardance, retardation, round, routine, run, rut, slow-up, slowdown, slowness, squirrel cage, stay, stay of execution, stop, stoppage, suspension, tie-up, time lag, track, treadmill, wait, well-worn groove

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