Meaning of WHOLESALE in English

Synonyms and related words :

abounding, absolute, abundant, affluent, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, all-sufficing, ample, aplenty, at a bargain, at a sacrifice, at budget prices, at cost, at cost price, at piggy-bank prices, at prime cost, at reduced rates, at small cost, at wholesale, be in, bill of sale, blanket, born, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, broad, broad-based, business, carry, casual, cheap, cheaply, clean, clear, close out, commercial, comprehensive, congenital, consummate, convert into cash, copious, cut under, deal in, deep-dyed, demand, diffuse, downright, dump, dyed-in-the-wool, effect a sale, effuse, egregious, epidemic, exhaustive, exhaustless, extensive, extravagant, exuberant, far-embracing, far-extending, far-flung, far-flying, far-going, far-ranging, far-reaching, fat, fertile, flush, for a song, for pennies, full, galore, general, generous, handle, imprudent, in plenty, in quantity, indiscreet, indiscriminate, indiscriminating, indiscriminative, industrial, inexhaustible, inexpensively, insensitive, intensive, job, large-scale, lavish, liberal, luxuriant, make a sale, many, market, marketing, mass market, maximal, mercantile, merchandise, merchandising, merchant, moderately, move, much, nominally, nonjudgmental, numerous, omnibus, omnipresent, on the cheap, opulent, out-and-out, outlet, outright, overflowing, perfect, pervasive, plain, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, plenty, plumb, prevailing, prevalent, prodigal, productive, profuse, profusive, promiscuous, pure, radical, rampant, reasonably, regular, replete, resell, retail, retailing, rich, rife, riotous, running over, sacrifice, sale, sales, sell, sell off, sell on consignment, sell out, sell over, sell retail, sell short, sell up, sell wholesale, selling, sheer, straight, superabundant, sweeping, tactless, teeming, thorough, thoroughgoing, through-and-through, tie-in, total, trade, trade in, trading, traffic in, turn into money, turn over, turnover, ubiquitous, unconditional, uncritical, uncriticizing, undemanding, undercut, undersell, undifferentiating, undiscreet, undiscriminated, undiscriminating, undiscriminative, undistinguishing, unexacting, unfastidious, universal, unload, unmeticulous, unmitigated, unparticular, unqualified, unreserved, unrestricted, unselective, unsubtle, untactful, utter, veritable, wealthy, well-found, well-furnished, well-provided, well-stocked, wholesaling, wide, wide-extended, wide-extending, wide-ranging, wide-reaching, wide-stretching, widespread

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