Meaning of YEARNING in English

Synonyms and related words :

Amor, Christian love, Eros, Heimweh, Platonic love, aching, admiration, adoration, affection, agape, ardency, ardor, attachment, bodily love, brotherly love, caritas, charity, conjugal love, desiderium, desire, devotion, faithful love, fancy, fervor, flame, fondness, free love, free-lovism, hankering, heart, hero worship, homesick, homesickness, honing, idolatry, idolism, idolization, languishing, languishment, lasciviousness, libido, like, liking, longing, love, lovemaking, mal du pays, maladie du pays, married love, nostalgia, nostalgic, nostomania, passion, physical love, pining, popular regard, popularity, regard, sentiment, sex, sexual love, shine, spiritual love, tender feeling, tender passion, truelove, uxoriousness, weakness, wishful, wistful, worship, yearnful, yen

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